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DVA Claims

If you are a veteran navigating a change in both your health and employment as a recently discharged ADF member, you likely have already had experience with the DVA. Preparing and submitting claims to the Department f Veterans Affairs can be incredibly overwhelming and confusing.

Veteran Health Care

Are you a veteran who has been discharged due to illness or injury acquired during your time in service? Veterans Health Care or VA Health Care provides cover for all essential medical treatment for veterans with ‘service linked’ health challenges.

Permanent Impairment

Should you have experienced a life-changing injury or contracted an illness or disease as a direct result of your service in the ADF you may be entitled to make a permanent impairment claim. Permanent impairment claims are processed by DVA.

Veterans Health Centre and Veterans Health Care

Offering comprehensive, compassionate and genuine care, Veterans Health Centre (VHC) is run by a trusted ex-Australian Defence Force (ADF) doctor and a team of trusted experts. Having an extensive background as defence force personnel and experience in navigating the complexities of the DVA, we are optimally positioned to support veterans.

Since our inception in 2019, our aim as a 100% ADF veteran-owned facility has been to become the premier Medicolegal and Healthcare Clinic for Australian Veterans and their families. We understand that there is so much more to providing veterans with healthcare than simply seeing a doctor.

Our team is here to facilitate a smooth, stress-free process while managing your health needs as a veteran and all the associated Department of Veterans Affairs’ (DVA) paperwork.

Who We Are

VHC is managed by Dr Thomas Perkins (FRACGP MBBS BEng GAICD MCSE) who has over 25 years of experience in the defence force. Departing in 2019 to open the Veterans Health Centre, Dr Perkins and his team recognised the need for structured, supportive care for veterans that goes above and beyond.

Our specialised clinic offers GP Management Plans, Team Care Arrangements and Mental Health Care Plans. All of these are developed by a network of Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Physiotherapists, Exercise Physiologists and Specialists who collaborate to deliver world-class healthcare.

Being connected with our patients through the shared experience of a career in the defence force, we offer a familial environment that works to place everyone at ease. This relaxed environment is incredibly beneficial, enabling us to deliver tailored healthcare that meets your unique needs and goals.

VHC – A friendly understanding environment and a compassionate team that supports veterans by providing turn-key solutions for DVA Initial liability claims, DVA Permanent Impairment and Veterans ongoing Health.

Our Philosophy

Our care is guided by our philosophy that every veteran is unique and deserving of the best possible medical care. To us, unlike the DVA, you are not simply a name on a claims form.

We want to get to know you and understand what we can do to help both the physical and psychological injuries you have acquired while serving. We offer a space free of judgement that is ready to receive you and meet you exactly where you are at.

Offering comprehensive, compassionate and genuine care, Veterans Health Centre (VHC) is run by a trusted ex-Australian Defence Force (ADF) doctor and a team of trusted experts. Having an extensive background as defence force personnel and experience in navigating the complexities of the DVA, we are optimally positioned to support veterans.

How We Help

DVA Claims and Permanent Impairment

Dealing with the DVA is renowned for its challenges. Most veterans are likely to experience confusion and/or frustration due to complex processes and requirements, as well as the multiple points of contact managing the DVA claims process. There is frequently poor communication, misinformation, minimal compassion or understanding, and judgment from DVA delegates who have never met the veteran in person.

It is easy to understand why so many veterans feel significant anxiety, stress and uncertainty throughout the process. At Veterans Health Centre we believe our veterans deserve better than this.

Having years of experience dealing with the DVA, we understand their medical and administrative processes in depth.

 This experience, combined with our assessments, enables us to assist veterans wishing to submit claims to DVA for injuries and/or permanent impairment sustained while serving in the ADF, with our unique, simple, three step solution:

  1. Appointment: You meet with our medical team, provide all your medical documents, and discuss your medical history, DVA claims and/or permanent impairment and ongoing health care
  2. Preparation of docs: We prepare all necessary documents for DVA, including independent medical reports and diagnostic assessment for initial liability, permanent impairment, veterans ongoing health care, and DVA claims forms
  3. Submission of claims: We assist you to submit your DVA claims online

Our three-step solution enables veterans to remain as stress free as possible during the DVA claims submission and/or permanent impairment process, and facilitates a smoother submission and more rapid approvals process.

Veterans Ongoing Health Care

Our team also offers ongoing care for veterans and is highly skilled in several areas, including but not limited to:

• Post-discharge health care
• Injury management
• Pain management
• Chronic illness management
• Mental health support and management
• Musculoskeletal injuries management

Our Core Values

We want to help veterans avoid the overwhelming DVA process while feeling genuinely cared for and supported at all times.  Our team is wholly committed to the ongoing wellbeing and enhancement of our veterans’ day to day lives. Securing the right outcomes for our patients is our number one priority at all times.

Our expert and compassionate care are completely bulk-billed for ADF veterans and every interaction is influenced by our core values, namely:


We respect your privacy and all consultations remain entirely confidential. We will only share essential information with other specialists after discussion with you and if approval is provided.


Honesty and integrity are so important to us. We know that these values help us build respectful, genuine relationships with our veterans. We always provide the whole picture and keep nothing from you.


No false promises or grey areas, we do exactly as we promise, are incredibly persistent and we are always there when you need us.


When it comes to something as important as your health, you need to know you can unequivocally trust your doctor and healthcare team. As your chosen veterans healthcare provider, we are 100% dedicated to you and deeply value your trust in us.

Genuine Care From Those In The Know

If you have ever felt misunderstood or overwhelmed while seeking health care as a veteran, you’re not alone. With Veterans Health Care, many of our team have been where you are at and have years of experience helping over 800 veterans secure the care they deserve.

It is this personal experience that sets us apart and allows us to offer exceptional and genuine care. We understand so much more than words could ever convey.

Get started on the road to better health today and skip the stress of dealing with the DVA, call Veterans Health Care today on 1300 VETERAN (8383726).

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